About Me

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I have studied art throughout my life starting at a young age being taught by my father, a book illustrator. I then went on to study at Moore College of Art and Design in Philadelphia, The Art Institute Online of Pittsburgh, and the Academy of Art University of San Francisco. My love of nature later inspired me to complete a Liberal Studies degree with a concentration in Environmental Science. I have created art that I printed on cards and commissioned to local gift shops. In 2010 I opened a small pet care business, which I still run, and started creating pet and animal-inspired art. While out with the animals, I take lots of photos that I later use as references for my art.

Friday, November 11, 2016

The Bigger Picture

It has been a historic and turbulent week. Despite the turmoil, I still believe our diversity can find a common ground. I focus on the nooks and crannies of undisturbed peace, like the sweet boy in my painting here I did a few years back. Each of us has a part to play in the world and in our country and no part is too small or insignificant. All of us, including the critters, are vital. Take each step, keeping in mind the consequence of your actions but without the burden of perfection. Each stroke of paint you put down is a piece of a bigger picture. Never lose site of the bigger picture.

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